Canada’s Premier Environmental Sales & Rental Company
Call us today 1-888-285-2324


At MAXIM, we take pride in our longstanding Partnerships with the world's leading Environmental Monitoring Equipment Manufacturers.  MAXIM is authorized to source, sell and service all equipment from our Manufacturer and Vendor Partners.  Contact us for all your purchase needs, and our dedicated Sales team will be happy to answer your questions and provide recommendations.

Below are links to see the Equipment and Instrumentation available.   

Soil and Sediment Sampling, Limnology, Safety, Survey

wildco AMS sokkil drager safety

Water Monitoring

horiba lamotte global water ysisolinst hach inw hanna instuments MMI 

Water Sampling

waterra solinst geo tech wildcogrundfos  global water

Indoor Air Quality, Industrial Hygiene, Air and Dust Sampling, Stack and Emissions, Ambient Air Monitors

 msa tsi sensidyne  azi  skc

Air/Safety Monitors

 rki   bw technologies landtec

Catalogue Companies

itm benmeadows latoplast ltdcole-parmer

Spectrum Nasco


all weather writing paper pelicanquatrexcalgaz suunto best

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